Stylish wooden waste paper bin
[rev_slider alias=”waste-paper-bin”] A wooden waste paper bin for hotel rooms. Made with the same craftsmanship that we apply to all our products, rubbish never looked this good ! These…
For any luxury hotel the importance of the right impression is paramount. Rooms need to be attractive, comfortable, clean, tidy and suited for their intended use. There is a saying “Less is More” but “More is more” . . . even if the “more” is the thought you have taken in making the room less . . . less cluttered, less random. Something as subtle as matching a waste paper bin to the decor in the room, makes a statement that you have spent “More”. So that your guest should in turn do the same.
[rev_slider alias=”waste-paper-bin”] A wooden waste paper bin for hotel rooms. Made with the same craftsmanship that we apply to all our products, rubbish never looked this good ! These…